Well, I survived my overnight bus ride and arrived in Brcko, Bosnia at 7:30 am. Without speaking a word of Serbian I managed to get the bus driver to drop me near where my friend Igor was staying. People here are so nice!
We spent the morning walking around town getting the paperwork done for me to cross borders without owning the bike I’m borrowing, then sampling Bosnian delicacies from around town. In the afternoon we pulled the bike out of storage and did some maintenance on it to get it ready for me to ride. We walked back into town in the evening and yes, ate more food.
The next morning we loaded up the bike and rode two up to Belgrade. We started out with me on the back of the bike, but I am quite a bit heavier than Igor so after a mile or two then we switched and he rode on the back. It was kinda fun having a passenger to shoot photos. Next we toured Belgrade on foot walking around the pedestrian shopping areas and then up through the fortress. There was a festival going on and it was great fun to see all the families and kids walking around the moats and ramparts in the fort. We did the chic thing and had a beer in an outdoor courtyard cafe, then went back into town and met up with different friends and sat out on the deck of a floating restaurant. The Sava river was lined with them!