Hi Everyone,
Does your summer seem to be flying by? Mine sure does. I’ve been putting the miles on my F800 GSA like nobody’s business and I still have many more miles to go! I just finished working the BMW MOA Rally where I was able to meet up with several of the Sisters’ Ride riders. Now I’m headed to the ADVWoman Rally in Granby, and then down through the Colorado Backcountry on our company’s first dual-sport tour on the COBDR. Exciting!
One of the cool meet-ups from the MOA Rally was my meeting Polly Pierce (see below). She’d read about Moto Chic’s traveling bag promotion in this newsletter, applied – and won a chance to travel with the bag! I love how motorcycling brings us together and for me, it seems, always gives us unique opportunities to try something new and different.
Speaking of new and different, a couple of weeks ago Edward and I bought a Unimog with an RV on the back. Because I’m the one with the flexible schedule, I volunteered to go to Baltimore to pick it up. It was a cool experience, but I tell you quite stressful learning to drive this 15,000-pound German military vehicle in downtown Baltimore traffic!
When I finally hit my stride and my stress level wasn’t through the roof, I thought back to all the times when my motorcycle adventures stretched my (self-perceived) limits and taught me that I could do many things I didn’t think I could do. Really? Drive a monster truck with two gearboxes, air brakes and a dashboard all in German…what was I thinking? How did I know I could drive it the 600 miles to my Mom’s house?
Evidently I could, and I did…and it puts a smile on my face to think how motorcycling has gracefully and wonderfully built my confidence in ALL areas of my life and I didn’t even think twice about stepping up for this new adventure. I’d love to hear about how motorcycling has changed YOUR life, and if you’d like to share your story with other members of our tribe I’ll be happy to share it in an upcoming newsletter.
Ride on! ~Alisa